Airport Alexei Leonov
Russian Federation
We wanted to design something unusual and unique. Taking coal as a basis for design, we used radical black color for the facade to create the appearance of stones frozen in the air. Simplicity and minimalism used in interior design allows passengers feel welcome and relaxed.
Coal is a source of heat and energy. It is because of coal we have electricity, heating in houses, and a working industrial infrastructure.
One of the largest coal deposits in Russia is Kuzbass which is located in Kemerovo.
Design of the new airport is inspired by this important source of energy that drives the economy of the region. Big black perforated volumes on the façade refer to coal industry – the main source of income in this region.

Warm, natural colors are used in the interior design which contrasts with the colder facade elements. This characteristic creates a unique sense of place to welcome visitors to the country.

The Perforated metal panels used in the façade appear as stars and add a daylight into the building. This effect reminds about Alexei Leonov and his achievement. which this airport is named after.
See also
Airport alexei leonov
The Age of Pioneers
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