Norilsk 2035

Open international competition for the renovation of the city of Norilsk until 2035
Norilsk, Russia
Dialectica, GRADPLAN Moscow AukettSwanke, MAParchitects
Under the terms of the competition, the participants were offered to develop several sites within the Greater Norilsk - the Central District (MAParchitects), Oganer (Dialectica), Kayerkan and Talnakh (AukettSwanke), Snezhnogorsk.

Main planning principles - regularity and uniqueness.

The Oganer district is planned as a modern center of attraction, in which the social, tourist, medical functions and all-season landscaping are maximally developed.
A compact orthogonal layout with closed quarters and dense buildings in the conditions of the Far North best suits the climatic features of the region.
A small, today, residential formation is being transformed into a district, the basis of the planning structure of which is a regular grid of streets and roads with transformable public spaces.

Public areas are organized in the center of each projected block.

The «gallery» ornate and insulated pedestrian route, repeating natural forms, the «gallery route» of the second level, connecting residential areas and public buildings throughout the district, opposes the orthogonal street and road network. Such an arrangement of additional connections will allow creating unique new walking routes on two levels. The first level is a pedestrian promenade of the nature park frame and the second one is a closed-type glazed gallery with non-standard angles and views of the city panorama.
Open spaces and courtyards under the galleries in the summer - entertainment and playgrounds, in the winter - the area for winter entertainment.

The parks house greenhouses, sports and children's areas, well-maintained recreation areas.
In one of the park areas, as a source of positive emotions, all-season greenhouses-geo-domes will be located. The central core is a public area, which includes a multifunctional center unique in form and execution, a sports complex with a swimming pool and a skating rink. A hotel complex with apartments, restaurants, lecture halls and co-working spaces is planned nearby. The multifunctional center will house shops, a food court, a water park, an oceanarium, a cinema, an arctic oasis, museum art spaces, sports and spa areas. Its bionic form contrasts with the regular residential grid, adding variety to the visual image of the urban environment.
The zone is within easy walking and transport accessibility for all residents and guests of Oganer and is connected by pedestrian galleries of the second level with residential and public buildings and structures. Such warm and dry ties will make life more comfortable for people in the harsh Arctic climate.

For the visual image of residential development, unique facade solutions were developed using a warm palette of colors as part of the overall design code and architectural techniques to simplify navigation in harsh climatic conditions - a single stylobate geometry and architectural lighting, accent infographics.
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